God’s Not Dead


I was there not but a few years back. I was in a life that had its ups and downs but was relatively smooth sailing. I would say it was good… even if a guy decided to be stupid and dump me there was always another guy not far down the road ready to take his place. Life just came pretty easy going. I did what I wanted. Worked and sometimes went to college. Lived with different guys. Had what I thought were good friends. Drank. Partied. Went to clubs. Loved house music and dancing. Played World of Warcraft and was antisocial for a while only talking to my friends in the game… Saw many popular bands in concert…some of my favorite ones were Sevendust and 10 Years…just to name a few. I didn’t really think about what I did, what I watched, how much I drank, or anything like that… it was when I found myself completely miserable time and time again that I realized all the angry music or all the hate for what others had done to me or what I had done to myself wasn’t enough anymore to get me through life… I liked this quote from the movie I saw tonight summed it up pretty well what had happened to me…


It was my turning point when I ran so far but found out that I didn’t remember what I was running from anymore or where I was going was not where I wanted to end up… I hit what was rock bottom for me. I tried to think back to where I was the happiest in my past and came to the realization that it was at church… so I called up a friend. I was to meet her and try to come back to church. I came not once, but left, twice, and got scared and left again, but the third time I came to the second service. I was scared that people might ask me or judge me for being gone so many years. Yes…I was the prodigal son, the wayward soul, the younger sibling. I let my sin come between me and God (the Father). It didn’t feel like I needed to leave because I was comfortable there for such a long time. That is the biggest lie of them all. I am here to tell you it is a lie. Don’t listen! You have a God shaped hole in your heart that only He can fill… don’t get trapped in the nice jail that sin holds you captive in. It may look nice at certain times but in the long run it is a trap. You night think it is too late for you and that you can’t go back. I ran away from God for more than half my life…and no time is ever too late! Pray to God and believe in Jesus who died on the cross to save YOU! If you were the only one who ever messed up He still would have died to save you… yep that is how much he loves you and me! I came to know Jesus as my friend again. He is the best friend you can ever make… “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20.

It after all is your choice who you will follow. If you don’t decide to follow Jesus you still have chosen… not Him but to follow the devil and the king of lies. My prayer is that one day you will awaken like I did and realize that Jesus who loves you so much He died for you, even while you were still a sinner, wants you to stop listening to all the lies and follow Him!


As water reflects the face,
    so one’s life reflects the heart. ~ Proverbs 27:19